Wax Cloud Wallet

A beginners guide to creating a Wax Cloud Wallet

Wax Cloud Wallet Creation

Step 1.) Visit https://all-access.wax.io/

Note: If you choose “Sign Up For Account” you can use standard email as a method of login and account creation. Ensure that no matter which option you choose you will never lose access to the email or social media account you use to login with.

Step 3.) Review and Agree to proceed

Step 4.) Wax Cloud Wallet Activation - Send a total of 5 WAXP to newuser.wax with the Memo they provide you.

Note: Once you send the WAXP to the address and Memo they provide you, within seconds it will confirm and complete automatically.

Step 5.) Enjoy your new wallet and shopping for your favorite NFT’s!

Note: Your wallet address will be displayed at the top right of the dashboard.

For further assistance join us on discord! We will be more than happy to help!


Last updated